Be Kind
Kindness is the way we enter the family of all beings. It is how we truly experience belonging. This is why serving others is so satisfying—when we do, we enter the sanctuary of belonging. When we stop leaving others out of the circle of love and kindness, we, ourselves, come into right relationship with life.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
The Dalai Lama said, "Kindness is my religion." The practice of kindness is outcome of the spiritual practice of not harming. It is one of the first spiritual principles for right living that is offered in the yogic scripture called the Yoga Sutras. "Cultivate nonviolence and experience the world as your friend." The Golden Rule, as stated in the Bible, Love your neighbor as yourself is a unversal teaching. Most spiritual traditions have a form of the Golden Rule. It is the important foundation for living our lives in the highest and best way. With this practice we realize our oneness—our connection with all of life. In this day and age when there is so much strife and division in our world it is important to remember that kindness is a simple act. It doesn't take much.