Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

Let Go of Attachment

Develop a beginner’s mind by practicing non-attachment to views. Adopt a perspective of openness, curiosity, and willingness to discover. Amazing possibilities reveal themselves to an open mind.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

Non-attachment doesn't mean that we don't care but it is a spiritual practice that helps us understand that everything in this manifest world is changeable, including our views, our relationships and our things. 
There are so many benefits to the practice of non attachment:
-non-attachment can be a necessary prelude to open us up to soul guidance
-it frees us from the snares of attraction and aversion and leads to freedom from grasping or pushing away
-non-attachment lowers our stress levels
-it saves energy and lets us focus on what is important
-non-attachment opens our consciousness to enhanced awareness of grace in our lives where we live with more equanimity

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the ancient scriptures that teach about Kriya Yoga, the promise of the practice of nonattachment is we are freed from greed and can see life clearly.