All Of Our Work Is Spiritual
There are two kinds of work. The one is the expression of soul’s righteousness in the objective world and the other is the awareness and unfoldment of the innate divine attributes of the soul within one’s own subjective consciousness. Both of these are spiritual work.
~Lahiri Mahasaya
Lahiri Mahasaya
At the time we are writing this blog, in the Kriya Yoga tradition that we practice, we are celebrating the life of the great spiritual teacher Lahiri Mahasaya (30 September 1828 – 26 September 1895). Lahiri's legacy for all of us is that he brought these teachings to the people from all walks of life, all religious backgrounds, all social strata and to women. He taught many hundreds of people while working as a government accountant and raising five children with his wife. He encouraged his students to adhere to the tenets of their own faith traditions while adding the practices of Kriya Yoga to deepen their faith. He was considered the ideal "householder yogi." He understood what it was to work, have family obligations and to still have a deep spiritual practice.
Often we think about our work in the world and our spiritual life as two separate things, but it is really all one thing. It is our life and we can bring all of our selves to every aspect of our lives. When we are in the world with our jobs and our family, we do our best and follow the deep ethical guidelines that are taught by all of the world's major religions and what we know in our hearts to be right. Our spiritual practice supports and informs our lives, so that we can live our best life in all ways. Everything that we do and experience is our spiritual work.