Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

You Are Love Itself

You are Love itself. Live that way.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

At this time of the year we are surrounded by messages of love. We get holiday cards and hear from family and friends that we may not have heard from for a long time. We see movies, such as It's a Wonderful Life that remind us of love. We buy and receive gifts, that are given with love. Strangers say hello and wish us happy holidays. It can also be a difficult, stressful time for some of us. It may be hard to see that love. Our meditation practice helps us to slow down, notice the good around us and experience the love. It helps us to experience the love that is within us and to share that with others. Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Then immediately we move from the shortest day of the year into longer days, more light. In many ways and in many religious traditions, even for those without a religion, the coming of the light is celebrated at this time of year. 
In the Christian tradition, the coming of the light in the form Jesus of Nazareth is celebrated. This child represents the light of hope, the light of peace, the light of love. We are reminded that we are that same light and we can live from that place of love and light. As that light of love we can bring joy to ourselves, our families and to the world. The way we live contributes to the light of the world. We are Love itself.