Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

Love The World As Yourself

Do not strive to fix the world; that is arrogance. Instead, love the world as yourself. Change any part of your life that does not reflect this truth.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

There are times when we look at the world around us and feel anger or frustration about what we perceive is happening. Through this anger we want to try to change or fix it. This is an exhausting state of mind and has major negative side effects on the body because it creates stress. Worse yet, it is a useless waste of energy benefiting no one. We can only change ourselves. There are many ways to to lift ourselves into more positive states of consciousness. The  practice of mantra is a useful tool such as repeating So Hum (“I am That which I seek” in Sanskrit) both in meditation and during daily activity. This calms the mind and allows us to empathize with the situation or person that frustrates and discern how to react (or not react) in the highest way. This brings peace and love into a situation, instead of anger.