Be Peace
Sunflowers in Ukraine Photographer Unknown
Peace in our homes, community, and world begin with a vision of it, faith in it, and the commitment to realize it by working for it. Bring forth the light of peace by first experiencing it directly in meditation, and then transmit that divine peace to others.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Most of us would agree that we want peace in our homes, in our families and in our world. This week we are all watching and praying for a peaceful solution to the events in eastern Europe and Ukraine. We pray for all those who are fearful for the safety of themselves, their families, and their homeland. We may feel helpless, here, so far away. The best way that we can experience peace and to contribute to peace is to cultivate peace within our own hearts through our practice of meditation. When our mind is calm, we can discern what is ours to do—what action is right for us to take. When we feel peaceful, we radiate that peace outwardly to all of those we personally encounter. It is a natural energy that we just allow to flow. This peaceful energy radiates out and can affect the entire world. We don't just meditate to meditate. We don't just meditate for ourselves. Meditation is not for our benefit only; it is for the benefit of the whole world. Imagine if every person in the world meditated and could manage their fear, anger and frustration and were able to emanate peace from their hearts. What a world this would be!