Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

No Effort In Meditation Is Ever Wasted

Meditation proficiency can be acquired by practice. Curiosity about possible outcomes of meditation practice, aspiration to experience clear states of consciousness, devotion to practice, and the application of time-tested procedures such as regulation of breathing rhythms, prayer, and directing the body's vital forces upward to the higher brain centers, can be helpful.
~Roy Eugene Davis

Sometimes, even after years of meditation practice, it is helpful to go back to the basics. Approach each session with delight and curiosity because you really never know what to expect and aspire to go deeper each time. Begin with focus on the breath or a mantra, waiting for that switch from concentration into the peacefulness of meditation itself. Imagine your breath moving through the spiritual eye, that point between and above the eyebrows so as to move energy to the higher brain centers. Then return to the point of focus each time you notice a distraction. Gently end your time of meditation with gratitude, knowing that your practice is the highest form of self care and that no such effort is ever wasted.