Grace Filled Living
Once we begin to renounce what was never ours to begin with, and anchor our awareness in that which we truly are, life takes on a new glow of ease and delight. Where there was formerly struggle, we find a quality of effortlessness.To sustain this way of grace-filled living, an essential discipline must accompany it: discerning between lasting benefit and passing pleasure, while consistently choosing that which server our highest goal.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
The principle of non-attachment teaches that the outcome of our actions is not up to us, although it is important to do our best. Paradoxically this frees us from worry and opens up the possibility of learning when things to not turn out as we think they should. Silicon Valley has worded this as "fail fast, fail often." The key to avoidance of suffering lies in the discipline of maintaining perspective when the outcome of our action isn't what we thought it would be. We may find that what actually happens affects us in a much better way. This is a lesson I find myself learning and then relearning. My life becomes so much easier after each relearning and as I age, the choice of lasting benefits requires less effort. Our meditation practice is key to calming the mind which sets us up to see the world in a greater, more open perspective.