Tune Your Will To the Positive
Luther Burbank and Paramahansa Yogananda in Santa Rosa
The human mind, free from the static of restlessness, can perform through its antenna of intuition all the functions of complicated radio mechanisms-sending and receiving thoughts, and tuning out undesirable ones. As the power of a radio depends on the amount of electrical current it can utilize, so the human radio is energized according to the power of will possessed by each individual.
~Paramahansa YoganandaThe Autobiography of a Yogi
When Paramahansa Yogananda was writing these words, the radio was still the main form of mass communication. Those of us who remember tuning in the radio station with a dial can understand the power of this teaching and can visualize his metaphor. We can use a similar metaphor in this current time of mobile devices, computers and social media — paying attention to the positive, letting that influence us, and letting go of the negative. Our daily meditation practice frees our mind from the static of restlessness. This along with taking care of our bodies and mind in a healthy way and living a life that is worthy of us, strengthens our will. As our will be comes strengthened we can more easily tune into positive thoughts and feelings, thoughts that will support us and energize us and the world around us.