Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

The Power of Our Speech

Words reveal volition—the choice point of how and what we will create in our lives. Mindful speech is a key to mastery.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

When we first begin meditating, we become aware of the fascinating cacophony of desires, fears, images and wisps of thought churning through our minds. Little by little we learn to let most of them arise and fall away by themselves, lending energy to only those that seem useful. Next we learn the power of voice as we choose to speak aloud only those ideas that serve a real purpose. Then grace takes over and allows us to manifest in the world those words that serve a greater good. In Chapter II:36 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali states that "when one is firmly established in truthfulness, immediate and specific results of actions are experienced." Look back over your life for signs of these "specific results". You may be surprised at how much you can be grateful for.
May awareness of the power of your speech bring healing and good will to all.