Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

The Supportive Presence

The supportive presence of Spirit becomes visible as we follow through with the inner guidance revealed to us.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

How do we tap into our inner guidance?  How do we know that this guidance is right? These are questions that I had when I first started on the spiritual path of Kriya Yoga. We make so many choices in life, some big decisions and some much smaller ones. Usually we "know" what to do, but how do we trust that "knowing"?  Sometimes we hear the guidance, but it seems like if we go down that path we feel is too hard. How would we manage? An example in my life was going to seminary for four years to get my Masters of Divinity degree, while I was working full time at a busy job and taking care of my mother who was ill. There was a still small voice telling me this was for me but I kept asking how. I decided trust that inner guidance and my life was changed forever. Over those four years a lot of life happened, but I was fully supported in all ways. 
In the Bible we read about "the still, small voice". The voice of Spirit is quiet and that is why our regular meditation practice supports our listening. Our minds are quieted from all the daily chatter and we become aware of that quiet voice and learn to trust it. When we listen we will always be guided to do the right thing and be supported in all ways. Listen and experience the supportive presence of Spirit.