Divine Radiance is Everywhere
NASA -2024 Solar Eclipse
Once God is found in the temple of our hearts, we find the divine radiance everywhere. We see the One shining in all eyes and hear the divine name resounding in every sound.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
The teachings of Yoga tell us that there is nothing in this manifest world that is not God (or however you perceive of that Divinity). The Divine Light is everywhere and in every thing. It is a delight to see that light everywhere. We try to share that beauty of God in the photos we offer. I think that for those who witnessed the solar eclipse recently it was an experience of God, whether they would describe it that way or not. It is easy to see the light of God in these kind of experiences, the beauty of nature and in lovely people, but even in the most difficult of circumstances that Light is there. It is especially important to look for that light in difficult times and in difficult people. That takes some discipline. The discipline of a steady meditation practice supports us in quieting the mind enough to experience God in the temple of our hearts. It supports us in feeling grounded and seeing that Light in difficult times. Then this is how we participate in revealing this Divine Light in the world. This is our work to do, in whatever way we individually do that.