Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

The Power of Imagination

The power of imagination can elevate the mind, help us touch the holy, and live in awe and wonder. Use the power of imagination for good.
Yogacharya O'Brian

Roy Eugene Davis, Yogacharya O'Brian's guru said that "imagination can and should be used to fulfill wholesome desires, enhance all aspects of our lives, accomplish purposes of value, and facilitate rapid, satisfying spiritual growth." He also said that "imagination is an innate spiritual power."(1) We are all spiritual beings, expressing through these bodies and minds that we have been given. We can align our minds with the power for good that runs the universe. When we first hear these teachings often we doubt that can be true. Many of us have had many years of hearing that we are not good enough and that we are separate and less than that power for good. Unfortunately that belief holds us back from being all that we can be in this life. As Yogacharya says, when we are ready to touch the holy, at first we can use the power of our imagination to see the Truth about ourselves. We can use our imagination and see ourselves as holy. Then we begin to see holiness all around us and we begin to actually experience that holiness within us. Spending time in silence each day, quiets our minds and helps us observe negative thinking and allows our thoughts to be elevated. We can then live in the world in a more positive way and bring that positivity to all our speech and actions. In this way we are using the power of imagination for good.
(1) Roy Eugene Davis; How to Use Your Creative Imagination p.21