Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

The Way of The Wise

Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.
― Paramahansa Yogananda

How much time and energy could we save if we completely dropped the habits of worrying about the future or regretting what has happened in the past? Our daily meditation practice allows us to develop an active witness consciousness as we concentrate on a single point of focus as a prelude to the shift into meditation itself. This self monitoring consciousness can guide us throughout the day. Each time we observe that thoughts are tending to focus on the past or the future, we can return to the calm of living entirely in the present. I find that when I can do this, there is an inherent joy in just being entirely aware of everything that is occurring. When alone we can observer the bliss of silence and when with others, we can focus entirely on them. This is a path to freedom.