Practicing The Presence
Brother Lawrence in the kitchen
Do what you do as worship. Let your life be sanctified, all of it a holy offering.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Brother Lawrence was a monk living and working in a Carmelite monastery in France in the 17th century. He worked in the kitchens for much of his life until he was promoted to repairing the other monk's sandals. Because he lived his life as a deep, peaceful presence, he became a mentor and spiritual counselor to many of the other monks and people in the community. He passed on his wisdom in the form of letters that were later compiled, after he died, into a book calledThe Practice of the Presence of God, which is still in print. Brother Lawrence said that he saw everything, every action, every thought and every word he spoke, as worship. He said even picking up a piece of straw from the ground was a prayer.
Our daily meditation practice calms our mind and brings us awareness of the peaceful presence that we are at the core of our being. We remember that our life is sanctified. As we go out into our day, with a calmer mind, we can slow down and bring that awareness to all that we do. When we slow down enough, we can remember to offer what we do as worship, an offering of peace, compassion and love—an opportunity to bless all those who we encounter.