Be Content
Acceptance is the simple way to contentment. We open the door to inner peace when we stop trying to make others, circumstances, or the world conform to our desires.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Practicing contentment is one of the ten spiritual practices of Kriya Yoga. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, an important scripture in the Yoga tradition, it says "Be content now and realize unshakeable happiness." When we have trouble accepting the current situation, whatever that may be, we become locked in anger and frustration. When we are in that place we can't observe these circumstances from a place of peace and calm.
Life is so much easier when we can stand back and accept the current circumstance with an attitude of calmness. Then we can discern what is our own work to do regarding it. Sometimes we realize that the only thing we can do is to let go of our own desires for what we think the outcome should be and let Spirit take over. As the saying in 12 Step programs says "Let go and let God." Accept, be content and live a happy life.