Life Is A Great Adventure
Consider living to be a great adventure. Be interested in the possibilities of learning, doing, and accomplishing. Enthusiasm is evidence of your appreciation for life and living.
~Roy Eugene Davis
The past year has been challenging for all of us. Of course we could have taken an entirely negative approach and say that life was not the the way we wanted to be or now we can start to re-engage with the world on new terms. The reopening that is taking place can provide all kinds of wonderful opportunities if we are receptive. The great Indian saint, Ramakrishna, said that "the winds of grace are always blowing; all we have to do is raise our sails." We can see this life as a great adventure and see how grace (that benevolence that is all around us) is working in our lives. I have embraced an entirely fun, new hobby in the past few months. What opportunity has presented itself to you? Can you consider this life as a great adventure?