Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

Worry Less-Call On The Power of Your Clear Discernment


When the thinking mind is agitated with worry and fear, the darkness of ignorance clouds our wisdom. This is when discernment is needed. Like a sheriff breaking up a fight, discernment asks the participants to quietly step outside. Stepping into the light, a new perspective emerges. We can similarly step outside our challenges by setting aside our worries and calling on the spiritual power of clear discernment.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

In these times it is easy to get overwhelmed with worry and fear. The darkness of ignorance that Yogacharya O'Brian refers to is not ignorance in terms of book learning, but the forgetting of who and what we are at the core of our being, that wisdom of our greater nature. When we forget we can plunge into that darkness and have trouble finding our way out to the light. I am grateful for my meditation practice that supports me in getting in touch with that which observes. That which observes sees how our fear and worry is clouding our hearts and minds and offers us a way to discern what is the best way to step onto the lighted path. Sometimes it is as easy as taking a walk to break up our worry cycle, or calling a friend, or reading or watching something uplifting. Our own innate wisdom shows us the way. How do we find that innate wisdom? We find it through our regular practice of meditation. Our minds become quiet enough during our time of sitting that throughout the day we benefit from that silence that calms the mind, calms the whirlpools of worry and helps us to see through to the light of wisdom.