Freedom from Fear and Anxiety
Meditate deeply and you will erase all fears and gain the unshakeable consciousness of soul freedom. After every deep meditation, you will find yourself becoming freer inside.
~Paramahansa Yogananda
With the fires that we are currently experiencing all throughout California and in our area of Sonoma County, we are all experiencing some fear and worry. For some who have been evacuated from their homes, there is fear that the homes that they love could be destroyed. For those not evacuated we are on tenterhooks, waiting for the call. Everyone is experiencing discomfort at some level with all of the smoke. As always, I turn to my spiritual practice of meditation and the teachings of the sages, the wise teachers, that calm me. Regular meditation is the key to the door of inner peace. I find that my regular practice has given me the tools to stay calm and from that place make the right decisions at the right time. I can then extend that calm energy to my family and friends. I become free from uncontrolled fear and anxiety. I am able to then think clearly. It is so much easier to live from that place. This is the freedom that a regular meditation practice brings.