Make the Right Decisions
Maintain an inner, meditative awareness, even during activity. You will discover a centralizing principle within you that will rightly guide all your activities.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Life can be so much simpler when we live by our inner guidance system. We all have it. It is that inner wisdom, that inner intuition that is telling us the right action to take. Sometimes it is loud and sometimes soft. But it is persistent. When we choose to listen and go with that intuition, we feel a peace with the action or decision we are making. That's when we know it is right. I have been hearing that persistent inner voice lately in regards to a family gathering for Thanksgiving. Circumstances dictated that it needed to be held in the evening and inside. I argued with that inner voice, saying maybe if I just stayed for an hour or so and keep my mask on most of the time except when I am eating, it will be ok. It's only a small group. But that inner voice along with many voices from medical experts were saying don't do it. That was the loud and soft voice of inner wisdom speaking. I observed how I was inwardly arguing with that voice. I finally realized that I need to practice what I preach and listen to that "still, small voice." Even though it was difficult to not be with my family on this traditional day, I felt at peace with the decision.
At this time of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my regular practice of meditation and how it informs my daily thoughts and activities. It has taught me to observe my thoughts and actions and to make the right choices. Not always easy, but always right.