The Cosmic Plan
Sonoma Valley Regional Park coming back to life after the 2017 fires.
In order to fulfill successfully the part you were sent on earth to play, you should not only follow your innate ambition and learn how to acquire the practical necessities of life from that vocation, but you should also do something every day that will satisfy your obligation to the cosmic law and the cosmic plan...
~Paramahansa Yogananda
It is important to remember that we need to have the practical necessities to live a life that is supportive of the cosmic plan—the plan that is for the benefit of all beings. We are each a thread in the web of life, an integral part of this universe. Having our individual material and emotional needs met is important so that we can then focus our attention to the greater good. The philosophical teachings of yoga (the bringing together of our attention and awareness to our original wholeness) tell us that following our innate ambition, having an abundant life and pleasure all lead to the freedom from the restrictions that prevent us from living our life fully. Our meditation practice and the peace and innate knowing that we cultivate through this practice are among those things that Yogananda refers to that we can do each day to contribute to the well-being of all.