Be a Willing Vehicle for Grace
We are all potential conduits for the awakening of planetary consciousness. When it is time for a divine idea to be expressed, Spirit finds a willing vehicle. We can choose to cooperate with divine will in this purpose or not. Regardless of what we choose, it will find a way. Consciously participating in global awakening is signing up for our own transformation.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
We all have our roles in this time of history and we can choose to participate in the power for good, or not. The divine idea is always positive and good and powerful. The more of us who open ourselves to allow grace to flow through us, the better and better life will be on this planet. It is simple. All we have to do is be awake and aware. Meditation supports us in living a life that is the best for us and for those around us. Our minds are calmer, our stress levels are lower so that we be consciously aware of the good around us and within us. Our intuition is awakened so that we can make better decisions. We are less reactive and more loving and accepting of others views. We can each be the willing vehicle for Spirit to work through. Imagine if everyone on the planet were willing. Let's start here, in our own hearts.