Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

Everything is Possible

We live in a world of pure possibility. Open the windows of your mind. 
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

Often it is thought that we may not have a choice of what is happening in our lives because of the circumstances we find ourselves in or events in our life.  We may think that what is happening is out of our control.  It is very exciting to think that we can live in a world where anything that is for the greater good is possible. We are not limited by what we think, what others think or by our perceptions. We can open the windows of our mind, by clearing the cobwebs of doubt, fear, or feelings of not being worthy. We open the windows of our mind by letting our thoughts settle, by focusing on the sky, not the clouds going by. Through the silence of meditation we can see the endless possibilities and then discern what is ours to do.