Be Thankful
Peace within us is unconditional. It isn’t ours when something happens, or when something is resolved—it is unchanging, always available. Nothing can take that peace from us without our consent.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
This season of thanksgiving offers us an opportunity to look around us and see all of the good things in our life. There may some times in our life where it may seem that there is nothing to be grateful for or we feel stressed or worried. Our meditation practice trains us to stop and catch ourselves when we are having negative thoughts. We can stop, take a breath and see the positive around us. We can especially notice those things that we often take for granted like the birds singing, the beautiful autumn leaves that are falling or the air that we are breathing. It just takes a moment. We look around, take a breath and feel that peace that is always there for us. Let's not allow anything take that peace from us. In this holiday season, let us be aware of that peace that is our innate nature, remember it and be thankful.